Amy Edward Scissorbeak

Gotcha Date: 12/18/2022

Amy Edward Scissorbeak along with Evelin and Joy were in need of a soft place to land and thankfully the Quarantine Coop was available for us to prepare a beautiful space for their arrival.

They joined Florence another rescued chicken in quarantine for about three weeks and then were introduced to their new, extended family. 

Amy has scissor beak a condition found in chickens where the upper beak and lower beak are not correctly aligned and they overlap each other. This malformation prohibits the bird from closing her mouth properly, which makes it difficult for the bird to eat and drink.  Here at the sanctuary, we will ensure Amy’s crossed beak is properly cared for to ensure she is living her best life.

Amy is doing great & enjoying life in the chicken coop with the rest of the flock!

Thank you all for your support making this rescue possible! As donors, supporters and volunteers you make it possible for us to keep our promise to make the rest of their lives the best of their lives.

Amy is in need of a monthly sponsor ~ will you be her supporter for $10 a month?!

Or please consider a one time donation to help us continue our work.  Thank you!

Amy with Evelin & Joy
Amy with Evelin & Joy
Amy with her namesake!

Amy, Evelin & Joy joined Florence pictured here in the Quarantine Coop for a couple weeks before joining the other ladies in the main Chicken Coop.

Amy in the big chicken coop getting some cantaloupe!
Amy with Amy